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[综合] 电商平台拼多多主动发声:正视质疑 做强品牌

微小宝 发表于 2016-4-7 16:31:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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  4月6日,阿里对外发布消息称,截至2016年3月31日财年底,根据阿里巴巴集团中国零售交易市场的交易总额(GMV),阿里巴巴集团已经成功击败沃尔玛、好市多等世界零售巨头,正式成为全球最大的零售体。不过,其并未披露具体交易额数据,而是表示“独立第三方机构普华永道针对上述数据执行了协定程序” 。这意味着全球最大零售体已经从线下迁移到线上。

  Chinese E-commerce giant Alibaba Group has officially become the world's largest retailer, with its gross merchandise volume (GMV) surpassed three trillion yuan, or 475.89 billion dollars, in the last financial year ending in March. This means the world's largest retail market place has shifted from offline to online. Traditional offline retail giants like Wal-Mart and Costco have been outperformed.



  Alibaba was born in a time of data technology. Its growth has mainly been supported by new technologies like big data, cloud computing, online payment and credit systems, as well as smart logistics. By applying these technologies, Alibaba managed to create a platform that allows online and offline businesses to co-exist.



  Alibaba's next target is to reach six trillion yuan (926.4 billion dollars) in transaction volumes by 2020 and to improve efficiency for retailers. In this way, they will push forward commercial reforms with new technologies.



  Alibaba's CEO Zhang Yong said more and more retailers are embracing E-commerce and that Alibaba will keep building the online platform for their partners.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播

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